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ICYMI: UNH Student Body Sends Clear Message to State House, But Get Ignored

ICYMI: UNH Student Body Sends Clear Message to State House, But Get Ignored

CONCORD, NH -Attracting and retaining a young, millennial workforce is critical to the our state's economic and cultural future. Paramount to accomplishing this goal is supporting our university system and encouraging college students to stay in the state to work after they graduate. That is why it is so troubling that Republican leadership and Governor Sununu have made numerous attempts to disenfranchise young people and ignore the issues most important to the thousands of students at our state's largest millennial workforce pipeline, the University of New Hampshire. In fact, over the past month, students at the University of New Hampshire have spoken loud a clear against efforts to restrict their ability to vote and have raised concerns about a state budget that would raise tuitions, and other important issues. Please see below for a wrap up of actions taken by UNH students: UNH Student Body President, Student Senators, and Students Invite Gov. Sununu to UNH But Get Ignored Almost a month has passed since John DiStaso reported that UNH students, including the student body President and numerous Student Senators sent an open letter to Governor Sununu asking for him to come to UNH to discuss their concerns with his budget, including the rising cost of tuition, election law reforms that aim to disenfranchise student voters, and other issues most important to attracting and retaining New Hampshire college students. Governor Sununu and his office have either ignored the letter or deemed it not worth of a reply. Ether way, Gov. Sununu has clearly shown it is not his priority to engage in a conversation with the student's on our state's largest campus. UNH Student Unanimously Passed Resolution Opposing Bills, like SB3, That Threaten to Suppress Voting Rights of College Student.

Executive Editor of The New Hampshire, Pens Op-Ed Opposing Efforts to Restrict Student's Right To Vote and Voter Fraud Lies. Following the vote by the student senate to voice their opposition to any bill that will disenfranchise or restrict a college student's ability to vote, the executive editor of the student newspaper, The New Hampshire, penned a hard hitting op-ed exposing republican lies about wide spread voter fraud and partisan attempts to restrict young people from voting. Our state, our vote, our home By Allison Bellucci Key Point: The New Hampshire workforce is aging, and the majority of students from UNH aren’t staying in the state. Want to know how to get even less out-of-state students to stay and work here? Don’t have them invested in state issues and take away their ability to make a choice for a place they call home. If we truly want UNH graduates working in New Hampshire, making them feel included and invested in the community is key to keeping these young, educated people in the state.

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