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NHYD Statement on Governor Sununu's Budget Address

NHYD Statement on Governor Sununu's Budget Address

Concord, N.H. - Governor Chris Sununu's budget address, most of which was cut and pasted from the Hassan administration's efficiency budget plan, left young Granite Staters with some serious lingering follow up questions. After the address, State Representative Amelia Keane (D-Nashua) released the following statement: "First off, we would like to thank Senator Hassan and her administration's work to put first time Governor Sununu in the best position to offer a budget in decades," said Representative Keane. "Young Granite Staters across our state should be very concerned by some glaring omissions and decisions in Gov. Sununu's budget proposal including:

Creating a scholarship program named after himself -- but refusing to increase funding to lower tuition at the University System of New Hampshire. Leaving communities wondering which ones will get full day kindergarten funding and which ones won't. Not making clear whether he intends to continue New Hamsphire's bipartisan Medicaid expansion plan, the New Hampshire Health Protection Program."

"If Governor Sununu is serious about attracting and retaining young people in our state, like Democratic leadership has demonstrated for years, then based off his budget address he has some serious work to do. Most importantly, will Governor Sununu be able to stand up to his fellow Republicans who will undoubtedly work to cut the priorities important to young professionals and families, like they have done in years past," concluded Representative Keane.

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