Attn college students: Here's what you need to know about voting in New Hampshire
College students can vote in New Hampshire- just like everyone else! But here are some pro-tips on voting that you need to know.
Testimony on Campus Sexual Violence - Nora Gallo
she testified to advocate for students in a state because no one should experience sexual violence in their college career.
Testimony on Campus Sexual Violence - John Gabrieli
alongside the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence and Senator Martha Hennessey to draft and file Senate Bill SB 679
Testimony on Campus Sexual Violence - David Millman
...involved with sexual assault prevention, serving as a member of the student advisory board for the Sexual Assault Prevention Project...
America Needs National Service
as a college senior, I can testify that many of us feel gut-wrenching fear about how we can financially support ourselves and our families
Meet Your Legislator: Rep. Casey Conley
Representative Casey Conley is nearing the end of his second term representing much of downtown Dover in Strafford County’s 13th...
COVID-19 & systemic discrimination
from combatting mass incarceration to expanding healthcare...COVID-19 magnifies how these preserve a culture of white supremacy
A sudden end to senior spring
many seniors had to return home without ever having said goodbye to the people and the place that made up their undergraduate college experi
It was a mockery of the monumental dedication and efforts of the essential workers risking their lives. I felt disappointed and defeated
Solidarity with community
...we students were constantly advocating for these institutions of higher education to show compassion in light of these circumstances.